Jumat, 01 April 2016

Homo sapiens, This Is My Deep Condolence

I know very well this post has been late about 33 minutes from my promise, but writing all-in-English-post while maintaining this difficult thought is kinda ...burdensome (giggle), regardless of my expensive free-time. Still, here it is, a brief words of mind. Enjoy.

People these days, they keep me surprised.  Praising one and another face to face, stabbing each other in the back. No wonder conflicts  spread everywhere.  Everyone gets hurt. Even the ones i thought quite tough can’t hold tears out.  How come we throw those words out lightly? I'm afraid it is most likely similar to what Prophet Muhammad SAW once told us as in Sunan Ibnu Majah (4058): "My people's generations will be divided into 5 phase: 40 years of  ahlu taqwa and ahlu birri (love to do good things), followed by 80 years of people with closest characters like the first ones, continued by 40 years of people loving and caring each other and people like them, then years of generations of hatred and broken family brotherhood, finished by years of killing each other." Although it's barely the third phase, I’ve no words rather than pray in order to beg God not to let His guard down over me. And over all muslims. Aamiiin.